News17th Geopolymer Camp 2025, July 7th to 9th, with TUTORIAL (short courses)Editor19 Feb 202517th Geopolymer Camp: 2025, July 7th to 9th, with TUTORIAL (short courses) The GeopolymerCamp spans 3 days:...
ArchaeologyNew Book: Ancient Geopolymers in South America and Easter IslandEditor22 Nov 2024The renowned scientific publisher Springer-Nature has published Prof. J. Davidovits new book entitled: Ancient...
Geopolymer CampGPCamp 2024Editor11 Jul 2024The Geopolymer Camp 2024, was held on July 8th to July 10th at the Campus of the University of Picardie, in...
FAQWhy Alkali-Activated Materials are NOT Geopolymers ?Editor10 Jul 2024Many scientists and civil engineers are mistaking alkali activation for geopolymers, fueling confusion, using them as...
News16th Geopolymer Camp 2024, July 8th to 10th, with TUTORIAL (short courses)Editor26 Feb 202416th Geopolymer Camp: 2024, July 8th to 10th, with TUTORIAL (short courses) The GeopolymerCamp spans 3 days:...
ConferencesGPCamp 2023Editor26 Aug 2023The Geopolymer Camp 2023, was held on July 10th to July 12th at the Campus of the University of Picardie, in...
Conferences15th Geopolymer Camp: 2023, July 10th to 12th, with TUTORIAL (short courses)Editor23 Feb 202315th Geopolymer Camp: 2023, July 10th to 12th, with TUTORIAL (short courses) The GeopolymerCamp spans 3 days:...
ConferencesGPCamp 2022Editor21 Jul 2022The Geopolymer Camp 2022, was held on July 4th to July 6th at the Campus of the University of Picardie, in...
Geopolymer Camp14th Geopolymer Camp and Tutorial: July 4th to 6th 2022Editor1 Mar 202214th Geopolymer Camp: 2022, July 4th to 6th, with TUTORIAL (short courses for Newcomers) The GeopolymerCamp...
Featured articlesThey came from America to build Easter IslandEditor24 Sep 2021Prof. Joseph Davidovits presents his hypothesis based on scientific data available (as of August 2021), and often...
Geopolymer CampGPCamp 2021Editor8 Sep 2021The Geopolymer Camp 2021, was held on August 30th to September 1st at the Campus of the University of Picardie, in...
Conferences13th Geopolymer Camp and Tutorial: August 30-31, September 1st 2021Editor1 May 202113th Geopolymer Camp: 2021, August 30-31, September 1st, with TUTORIAL (short courses for...
Geopolymer and ArchaeologyConsidering Certain Lithic Artifacts of Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) and Pumapunku (Bolivia) as Geopolymer ConstructsEditor29 Dec 2020Journal on Geopolymer Science Applied to Archaeology 2020, Vol. 1, p. 44-53 By Thomas A. Gara, Schongauer...
Geopolymer and ArchaeologyAncient geopolymers in South-American Monuments, Part IV(*): use of natural andesite volcanic sand (not crushed).Editor29 Dec 2020Journal on Geopolymer Science Applied to Archaeology 2020, Vol. 1, p. 36-43 By Prof. Joseph Davidovits,...
Geopolymer and ArchaeologyCarbunculus, Géologie et construction dans le De architectura de Vitruve.Editor9 Dec 2020Journal on Geopolymer Science Applied to Archaeology 2020, Vol. 1, p. 10-35 By Frédéric Davidovits, Ph....
Geopolymer and ArchaeologyDistribution of sodium and chlorine in samples of Egyptian pyramidsEditor18 Nov 2020Journal on Geopolymer Science Applied to Archaeology 2020, Vol. 1, p. 1-9 By Guy Demortier, Emeritus...
Geopolymer and ArchaeologyIntroduction to Journal GPSAEditor17 Nov 2020The Journal on Geopolymer Science Applied to Archaeology (in short: Geopolymer and Archaeology) is an interdisciplinary...
Geopolymer CampGPCamp 2020Editor3 Jul 2020The Geopolymer Camp 2020 was cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic. However, Prof. Joseph Davidovits recorded his annual...
PyramidsDeep Misleading Publications by GeologistsEditor18 May 2020Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The...
NewsA continent is on fire. STOP promoting fly ash-based cements.Editor12 Jan 2020A continent is on fire. STOP promoting fly ash-based cements ! by Prof. Dr. Joseph Davidovits, Geopolymer...
Library#27 Ferro-sialate Geopolymers (-Fe-O-Si-O-Al-O-)Editor11 Jan 2020Technical Paper #27 published January 2020: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25792.89608/2 Ferro-sialate Geopolymers...
Geopolymer CampGPCamp 2019Editor16 Jul 2019The Geopolymer Camp 2019, was held on July 8th to 10th at the Campus of the University of Picardie, in Saint-Quentin,...
Archaeological papers#K-eng. Tiahuanaco geopolymer artificial stones.Editor10 Jul 2019Archaeological Paper #K-eng (and #K-esp) published September 2019: DOI:...
News11th Geopolymer Camp and TutorialEditor6 Mar 2019SPECIAL TOPICS OF INTEREST: - Tutorial Workshop (short courses) for Newcomers, on Monday; - 4 Focused Sessions: 1)...
ArchaeologyTiahuanaco Monuments (Tiwanaku / Pumapunku), Bolivia are made of geopolymer artificial stones created 1400 years ago.Editor3 Mar 2019Transcript of the conference by Prof. Joseph Davidovits, held at the Geopolymer Camp 2018, in the Session: Ancient...
Technical papers# 25 Why Alkali-activated-materials AAM are not GeopolymersEditor30 Nov 2018Technical paper # 25 published November 2018: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34337.25441 Why Alkali-activated-materials AAM...
NewsGeopolymer in South-American monuments: two scientific papers publishedEditor28 Oct 2018At the Geopolymer Camp 2018, in the Session: Ancient Technologies, Prof. J. Davidovits presented the first results of...
Geopolymer CampGPCamp 2018Editor15 Jul 2018The Geopolymer Camp 2018, was held on July 9th to 11th at the Campus of the University of Picardie, in Saint-Quentin,...
FAQFAQ for artificial stone supportersEditor3 Aug 2016Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The evidences Pyramids (3) The formula, the invention...
PyramidsPaleomagnetism study supports Pyramid geopolymer stoneEditor18 Jan 2013Since the beginning of his research, many "experts" suggested to J. Davidovits to carry out paleomagnetism studies....