Papers discussing Davidovits pyramid theory

  • Microstructural Evidence of Reconstituted Limestone Blocks in the Great Pyramids of Egypt, Barsoum, M. W., Ganguly, A. & Hug, G., JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 89 (12), 3788- 3796, (2006). See the abstract
  • The Proceedings of Geopolymer 2005 World Congress, 4th Int. Conference on geopolymers, Edited by J. Davidovits, Geopolymer Institute, France 2006. See the table of content.
  • PIXE, PIGE and NMR study of the masonry of the pyramid of Cheops at Giza, Guy Demortier, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS and METHODS in PHYSICS RESEARCH B, B 226, 98 – 109 (2004).
  • La Nouvelle Histoire des Pyramides, Joseph Davidovits, Ed. J.C. Godefroy, Paris, (oct. 2004, 2nd edition 2006).
  • The Enigma of the Construction of the Giza Pyramids Solved?, a review from the famous scientific British laboratory, Daresbury, SRS Synchrotron Radiation Source , 2004.
  • Comment a-t-on construit les Pyramides: polémique chez les Égyptologues, HISTORIA Magazine, Paris, nr. 674, fev. 2003, dossier pp. 54-79 (2003).
  • Ils ont bâti les Pyramides, Joseph Davidovits, Ed. J.C. Godefroy, Paris (oct. 2002).
  • The construction of the Cheops’ great pyramid revisited, Guy Demortier, PHYSICALIA, Vol. 22, p 207, (2000).
  • The Proceedings of Géopolymère ‘99, 2nd International Conference on geopolymers, Editors J. and R. Davidovits, C. James, Geopolymer Institute 1999, 32 articles. See the table of content.
  • Construction of the Egyptian Great Pyramids (2500 BC) with Agglomerated Stone. Update of the Latest Research (Construction des Grandes Pyramides d’Egypte avec de la Pierre agglomérée. Mise à Jour des Dernières Recherches), Joseph Davidovits et Guy Demortier, GEOPOLYMERE ‘99 Proceedings, pp. 327-368, Institut Géopolymère (1999).
  • Le Ciment Romain, Matériau du Futur (Roman Cement, a Material for the future), Laurent Gally, VALEURS ACTUELLES, No 3254, 10-16 Avril 1999, PP. 86-89.
  • Regard Critique sur la Construction de la pyramide de Kheops, Le point de vue d’un futur architecte: la technique proposée par J. Davidovits (A critical view on the building of Cheops Pyramid, by a young architect), Benoit Demortier, Mémoire pour le Diplome d’Architecte, Institut Superieur d’Architecture Saint-Luc de Wallonie, Liège, Belgium, 125 pages, (Jan. 1998).
  • Construire les Pyramides: une méthode en béton (Building Pyramids: a concrete method), Jacques Gossart, KADATH, Chroniques des Civilisations Disparues, VOL 91, PP. 39-45 (1998), Kadath ASBL, Bruxelles, Belgique.
  • Pyramid Illusions, A Journey to the Truth, Moustafa Gadalla, Basket Publishing, ISBN: 0-9652509-7-0, 191 pages, 1996.
  • How Not to Analyze Pyramid Stone, Morris, M. JOURNAL OF GEOLOGICAL EDUCATION, VOL. 41, P. 364-369 (1993).
  • Comments on the Work of Harrell and Penrod, McKinney, R.G., JOURNAL OF GEOLOGICAL EDUCATION, VOL. 41, P. 369 (1993).
  • The Great Pyramide Debate – Evidence from the Lauer Sample, Harrell, J.A., and Penrod, B.E., JOURNAL OF GEOLOGICAL EDUCATION, VOL. 41, P. 358-363 (1993).
  • Des Bétons Antiques aux Géopolymères, Jacqueline Delatte et Gérard Facy, ARTS ET METIERS Magasine, No 180, Sept. 1993, PP. 8-16.
  • Are the Pyramids built of poured concrete blocks?, Folk, R.L., and Campbell, D.H., JOURNAL OF GEOLOGICAL EDUCATION, VOL. 40, P. 25-34, AND 344 (1992).
  • Geopolymeric Pyramids – A rebutal to R.L. Folk and D.H. Campbell, Morris, M., JOURNAL OF GEOLOGICAL EDUCATION, VOL. 40, P. 35-46, AND 344-346(1992).
  • Great Pyramid debate, Davidovits, J., CONCRETE INTERNATIONAL, VOL. 14, N°2, PP. 17-18, (1992), AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE, USA.
  • Mégalithes et Pyramides: du Béton et du Natron (Megaliths and Pyramids: concrete and natron), Jean Luc Chaumeil, L’AUTRE MONDE, Vol. 126, PP. 74-77 (1991).
  • The Great Pyramid Debate; The Ancient Pyramids – Concrete or Rock?, Campbell D.H. and Folk R.L., CONCRETE INTERNATIONAL, VOL. 13, N°8, PP. 28-39, (1991), AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE.
  • The Great Pyramid Debate; The Cast-in-Place Theory of the Pyramid Construction, Morris, M., CONCRETE INTERNATIONAL, VOL. 13, N°8, PP. 29,39-44, (1991), AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE.
  • La Construction des Pyramides, Jean-François Muller, BULLETIN DU ROTARIEN, Mai 1989, PP. 31-35.
  • The Amazing Stone Formula of Dr. Davidovits, Jill Kamil, CAIRO TODAY, January 1989, PP. 87-91 (Cairo, Egypt).
  • The Pyramids: An Enigma Solved, Dr. Joseph Davidovits and M. Morris, Hippocrene Books, New York, ISBN 0-87052-559-X, 1988, Dorset Press, New York ISBN 0-88029-555-4, 1990, 263 pages. (new 2nd revised edition, read more)
  • Lone Star Unveils a Cement it Likens to Great Pyramids, Robin G. Blumenthal, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, page B4, Oct. 28, 1988, New York.
  • Pyramid Man-Made Stone, Myths or Facts, III. The Famine Stela Provides the Hieroglyphic Names of Chemicals and Minerals Involved in the Construction , Davidovits J., 5th Int. Congress of Egyptology, Cairo, Egypt, 1988; Egyptian Antiquities Organization; EGY; 1988; pp. 57-58 in Resumes des Communications.
  • The Original Pyramid Scheme, Hugh Wray McCann, AMERICAN WAY Magazine, VOL. 20, No 22, Nov. 15, 1987, PP. 45-50 .
  • Pyramid Man-Made Stone, Myth or Facts, Cracking the Code of the Hieroglyphic Names of Chemicals and Minerals involved in the Construction, Joseph Davidovits, 193rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Division of the History of Chemistry, paper 37 (Abstracts), Denver, Co. April 5-10, 1987.
  • Le calcaire des pierres des grandes pyramides serait un béton géopolymère vleux de 4.600 ans. Davidovits J., REVUE DES QUESTIONS SCIENTIQUES, Brussels; 1986; Vol. 157; pp.199-225.
  • X-Rays Analysis and X-Rays Diffraction of casing stones from the pyramids of Egypt, and the limestone of the associated quarries, Davidovit J., Science in Egyptology; A.R. David ed.; 1986; Proceedings of the “Science in Egyptology Symposia”; Manchester University Press, UK; pp.511-520.
  • Ancient Technology: Pouring a Pyramid, I. Peterson, SCIENCE NEWS, VOL 125, No 21, May 26, 1984, P. 327.
  • Pyramids of Egypt made of man-made stone, myth of fact?, Davidovits J.; Thorez J; Gaber M.H., Symposium on Archaeometry 1984, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC; 1984; Abstracts; pp. 26-27
  • Low Temperature Geopolymeric SettIng of Ceramics (LTGS) VI- dolomite presence is proof of LTGS in Cyprus amphorae, Davidovits J.; James C.SO : Symposium on Archaeometry 1984, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC; 1984; Abstracts; pp. 28-29
  • The Pyramids: A Bold New Theory; Plastics Megaliths, Douglas Starr, OMNI Magazine, Feb. 1983, P. 52 (New York).
  • No More Than 1,500 Workers to Build the Pyramid of Kheops with Agglomerated Man-Made Stone, DAVIDOVITS (J.), International Congress of Egyptology; Toronto; 1982, 5-11 sept.; CAN; 1982; P. 40.
  • Fabrication of Stone Vessels Blo-ToolIng and Plant Extracts, DAVIDOVITS (J.), International Congress of Egyptology; Toronto; 1982, 5-11 sept.; CAN; 1982; P. 39.
  • Low temperature geopolymeric setting of ceramics: fabrication of black-surface ceramics, Bouterin C.; Davidovits J., Proc. 22nd Symposium on Archaeometry, University of Bradford, UK: 1982; pp. 213-17.
  • The disaggregation of stone materials with organic acids from plant extracts, an ancient and universal technique, Davidovits J.; Bonett A.; Mariotte A.M., Proc. 22nd Symposium on Archaeometry, University of Bradford, UK: 1982; pp. 205-12.
  • Differential thermal analysis (DTA) detection of intra-ceramic geopolymeric setting In archaeological ceramics and mortars, Davidovits J.; Courtois L., 21st Archaeometry Symposium; Brookhaven Nat. Lab., N.Y.; 1981; Abstracts P. 22.
  • Fabrication of stone objects by geopolymeric synthesis in the pre-Incan Huanka civilisation, Peru., Davidovits J.; Aliaga F., 21st Archaeometry Symposium; Brookhaven Nat. Lab. N.Y.; 1981; Abstracts P. 21.
  • Determination de la provenance des ceramiques par analyse des géopolymeres contenus dans les pates céramiques cuites a basse temperature, DAVIDOVITS (J.), REVUE D’ARCHÉOMETRIE, Bulletin de Liaison du Groupe des Methodes Physiques et Chimiques de l’Archeologie, Actes du XX Symposium International d’Archeometrie, Paris, 26-29 mars 1980. Vol. III., . ; FRA; 1981; pp. 53-56
  • La fabrication des vases de pierres au V et IV Millenaires, Davidovits J., 2nd International Congress of Egyptology, SESSION 12, 1979, Grenoble; Abstracts
  • Les offrandes de natron et le symbole de l’incarnation divine dans Ia pierre, Davidovits J., 2nd international Congress of Egyptology, THÈME IV, 1979, Grenoble; Abstracts
  • Le Livre de la Pierre, Volume 1: Que le Dieu Khnoum Protège Khéops, Constructeur de Pyramide, Joseph Davidovits, ISBN 2-902933-02-9, 314 pages, 1978.