Green Chemistry
and Sustainable Development Solutions.
Proceedings of the Geopolymer 2005 World Congress

The book contains the proceedings of the World Congress Geopolymer 2005, held in France and in Australia, on geopolymer science, technology and applications. More than 180 people attended the congress, 85 international research institutions and companies presented a total of 75 papers. They cover a wide scope of topics ranging from geopolymer chemistry, industrial waste and raw material, geopolymer cement, geopolymer concrete (including fly ash-based geopolymers), applications in constructions materials, applications in high-tech materials, matrix for fire/heat resistant composites, and applications in archaeology.
The book represents selected contributions to the World Congress. All papers have been subjected to peer review process under the Geopolymer Institute publication policy. It also comes with a complementary CD-ROM containing all contributions received (additional extended abstracts, and some pictures of the event are included).

All papers found in this CD-ROM are in colors, and are the exact copies of the printed book, so you can use them as a reference. It is also compatible with PC, Mac and Unix systems, all files are in standard PDF format. You can print, copy these papers, and use the search engine to find a particular word.
ISBN: 2-9514820-0-0
133 papers – 1190 pagesFREE BONUS, the CD includes the proceedings of Geopolymer ‘88, and Geopolymer ‘99. We do this because these proceedings are out of print. They are the exact copies of their printed versions, so you can still use them as a reference and seek for the right paper at the right page.
To know what is in these 3 proceedings, please read the table of content on next page .