NewsNew Mexico State University, USA, Geopolymer Research23 Mar 2004Geopolymers for Thermoelectrical Power are part of the R&D projects presently carried out at New Mexico State...
NewsGlobal Sustainability and Geopolymer20 Feb 2004The conference presented by Tricia Caswell, Executive Director, Global Sustainability, RMIT, at the GEOPOLYMER 2002...
NewsNew Papers to Download from J. Davidovits10 Jan 2004We have added 3 important papers in the Library : the two keynote papers presented by Prof. Joseph Davidovits at the...
NewsBatelle Institute recommands Geopolymer Cement for Climate Change9 Jan 2004The famous report on Sustainable Cement Industry published by the Batelle Institute, titled Climate Change, is...
NewsMilestones in the Development of Geopolymer Science and Applications23 Nov 2003To learn how the research development carried out by Prof. Joseph Davidovits' research Group evolved since 1972 and...
NewsNew website on geopolymers from China16 Nov 2003Dear friends, I have created a website related to geopolymer. Some advances on geopolymer that were achieved by our...
NewsCordi-Geopolymere, France, provides free access to LTGS brick technology.26 Jul 2003LTGS, acronym for Low Temperature Geopolymeric Setting, is a low cost, easy to produce solution, for the making of...
NewsGeopolymer Research in Qatar17 Jul 2003Dr. Kawkab Al-Noaimi, Associate Professor at the Chemistry Department of the University of Qatar, Doha, has started a...
NewsNew Paper: Development of a sorbent for Radium with high sorption capacity28 Jun 2003Wasser - Abwasser, 143 (2002) Nr. 7-8, pp. 572-577 Development of a sorbent for Radium with high sorption capacity...
NewsNew Paper: Fire-resistant geopolymer produced by granulated blast furnace slag28 Jun 2003Minerals Engineering 16 (2003), pp. 205–210 Fire-resistant geopolymer produced by granulated blast furnace...
NewsGeopolymer research in China20 Jun 2003Dr. Zhang Yunsheng and Prof. Sun Wei from Southeast University and Prof. Zongjing Li from HongKong University of...
NewsGeopolymer at Curtin University of Technology19 Jun 2003Professor Vijay RANGAN sent the following message from the Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia: subject:...
News2nd International Conference on Chemistry & its Applications18 Jun 2003Professor Joseph Davidovits has been appointed in the Honorary Scientific Committee of this conference, which will be...
NewsGeopolymer Session at the 105 National Meeting of the American Ceramic Society18 Jun 2003Geopolymer Session at the 105 National Meeting of the American Ceramic Society Nashville, TN, USA April 28...
NewsNew Paper: Development of silicate-based cement from glassy alkaline volcanic rocks18 Jun 2003Bol. Soc. Esp. Cerám. Vidrio, 42 69-78 (2003) Development of silicate-based cement from glassy alkaline volcanic...
NewsNew Paper: Chemical optimisation of the compressive strength of aluminosilicate geopolymers18 Jun 2003J. Mater. Chem., 2003, 13, 1161–1165 Chemical optimisation of the compressive strength of aluminosilicate...
NewsGeopolymer 2002 3rd International Conference, Melbourne Australia18 Jun 2002Geopolymers 2002 Turning potential into profit Third International Conference Melbourne, Australia 28-29 October...
NewsGéopolymère ’99, 2nd International Conference, France5 Jan 2000GÉOPOLYMÈRE ‘99 International Conference First conference in 20 years to focus on the science behind New...