News2nd Virtual Journal on Geopolymer Science12 Feb 2016The second issue of what will become the Virtual Journal on Geopolymer Science is online at Geopolymers based on...
Featured articles# 24 False CO2 Values Published in Scientific Papers7 Dec 2015Technical paper #24 False Values on CO2 Emission for Geopolymer Cement/Concrete Published in Scientific...
Featured articles[video] Visit to Geopolymer Concrete Airport and Eco-Building27 Oct 2015 Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport (BWWA), Toowoomba, Queensland, is Australia’s first greenfield public airport...
NewsVirtual Journal on Geopolymer Science7 Aug 2015The first issue of the Virtual Journal on Geopolymer Science was put on line on June 29, 2015, hosted by the...
Geopolymer CampGP-Camp 201519 Jul 2015The Geopolymer Camp 2015, was held on July 6th to 8th at the INSSET, University of Picardie, in Saint-Quentin, France....
VideoWebinars Videos Collection5 May 2015Webinar Spring 2016 This free webinar covers various aspects of the geopolymer science and applications....
Tutorial / bookTutorial Workshop at Geopolymer Camp 20159 Feb 2015Introducing the Tutorial Workhop for Newcomers, Monday July, 6th, at Geopolymer Camp. Scheduled before the opening of...
WebinarWebinar Fall 2014: Geopolymer Web Workshop, Nov. 25-269 Nov 2014 IMPORTANT: We are changing the format of our Webinar - Q&A session only! Outline of the talk: For...
News70,000 tonnes Geopolymer Concrete for airport1 Oct 2014In Australia, on September 28, 2014, the newly complete Brisbane West Wellcamp airport (BWWA) held a community open...
ConferencesGeopolymer conferences 201511 Sep 2014TWO OFFICIAL GEOPOLYMER CONFERENCES SCHEDULED EVERY YEAR At the January 2009 Daytona Beach conference, Professor...
Technical papers#22 GEOASH: ambient temp. hardening of fly ash-based geopolymer cements16 Jul 2014The European Research Project GEOASH: (2004-2007). Development of room temperature hardening for fly ash-based...
Geopolymer CampGPCamp 201413 Jul 2014The Geopolymer Camp 2014, was held on July 7th to 9th at the IUT, University of Picardie, in Saint-Quentin, France. You...
Geopolymer Camp6th Geopolymer Camp 2014 Registration11 Apr 2014GeopolymerCamp: July 7-8-9, 2014 Venue: IUT, Saint-Quentin; France Organized by the Geopolymer Institute Registration...
Video[video] Webinar Spring 2014: Geopolymer Web Workshop, Apr. 8-924 Mar 2014 Recorded Videos of the Free Geopolymer Webinar Spring 2014: Talk 1 and Talk 2, April 8-9,...
ConferencesGeopolymer Conferences 201415 Mar 2014TWO OFFICIAL GEOPOLYMER CONFERENCES SCHEDULED EVERY YEAR At the January 2009 Daytona Beach conference, Professor...
NewsWorld’s first public building with structural Geopolymer Concrete18 Oct 2013Important news from Australia: The University of Queensland’s Global Change Institute (GCI), designed by HASSELL in...
WebinarWebinar Fall 2013: Geopolymer Web Workshop, Oct. 15-164 Sep 2013We had a strong attendance (ca. 200 registered participants split between the two daily sessions). The videos are...
Geopolymer CampGPCamp 201314 Jul 2013The Geopolymer Camp 2013, was held on July 8th to 10th at the IUT, University of Picardie, in Saint-Quentin, France....
NewsBreakthrough at University “Parthenope”, Napoli, Italy4 Jun 2013Hybrid organic-geopolymer materials A recent scientific paper describes Novel hybrid organic–geopolymer materials...
Geopolymer Camp5th Geopolymer Camp 2013 Registration24 Apr 2013Registration are running until July 5. It is time to register. Program: (see the detailed program) The 5th GP Camp...
WebinarReport on Geopolymer WEBINAR Spring 2013, April 16 (Web seminar)7 Feb 2013Recorded Videos of the Free Geopolymer Webinar Spring 2013: Part 1 and Part 2, April 16-17, 2013. We had a strong...
Technical papers#21 Geopolymer cement review 20136 Feb 2013A review on Geopolymer cement, as of January 2013. Prof. Joseph DAVIDOVITS CONTENT 1. Introduction 2. Portland...
ConferencesGeopolymer Conferences 20137 Dec 2012TWO OFFICIAL GEOPOLYMER CONFERENCES SCHEDULED EVERY YEAR At the January 2009 Daytona Beach conference, Professor...
News‘World first’ production run: 2,500 tonnes of geopolymer16 Oct 2012The Australian company ROCLA, one of the pioneers in geopolymer precast concrete for commercial production, issued...
Geopolymer CampGPCamp 201214 Aug 2012The Geopolymer Camp 2012, was held on July 9th and 11th at the IUT, University of Picardie, in Saint-Quentin, France....
NewsRed geopolymer cement could become the standard7 Aug 2012At the recent Geopolymer Camp 2012 (july 09-11), Prof. Joseph Davidovits presented his view on why geopolymer cement...
ApplicationsIntroduction: developments and applications in geopolymerEditor1 Aug 2012Materials for the Third Millennium Think Geopolymer and Geosynthesis! The last few years have seen spectacular...
NewsGeopolymer book in Chinese20 May 2012The reference book by Professor J. Davidovits Geopolymer Chemistry and Applications (2nd ed.) has been published in...
Geopolymer CampGeopolymer Camp 2012 Registration28 Mar 2012Registration are running until July 7. It is time to register. Registrations are running well and we are confident...
NewsGeopolymer in leading newspapers: The Financial Times and The Ecologist14 Feb 2012English free-lance journalist, Paul Miles, wrote in the well known financial newspaper "The Financial Times" (20th...