FAQFAQ for artificial stone supportersEditor3 Aug 2016Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The evidences Pyramids (3) The formula, the invention...
PyramidsPyramids (2) The evidencesEditor10 Apr 2006Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The...
PyramidsThe Famine Stele: hieroglyphs on pyramids construction9 Apr 2006Summary of the Conference by Joseph Davidovits Vth International Congress of Egyptology, Cairo, Egypt, Oct....
Archaeological papers#G: Construction des pyramides d’après Hérodote4 Apr 2006IXth Egyptology Congress, Grenoble, 2004 Construction des pyramides d’après Hérodote: Etude lexicologique des...
Archaeological papers#B: Famine Stele and the construction of Pyramids with man-made stone4 Apr 2006Vth Egyptology Congress, Cairo, 1988 The Famine Stele and the construction of Pyramids with man-made stone by Joseph...