Featured articlesThey came from America to build Easter IslandEditor24 Sep 2021Prof. Joseph Davidovits presents his hypothesis based on scientific data available (as of August 2021), and often...
PyramidsDeep Misleading Publications by GeologistsEditor18 May 2020Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The...
FAQFAQ for artificial stone supportersEditor3 Aug 2016Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The evidences Pyramids (3) The formula, the invention...
Archaeological papers#I: Chapter 1 of the Pyramids book25 Apr 2015Chapter 1 of the book Why the pharaohs built the Pyramids with fake stones FREE download of Chapter 1 of the book...
PyramidsPaleomagnetism study supports Pyramid geopolymer stoneEditor18 Jan 2013Since the beginning of his research, many "experts" suggested to J. Davidovits to carry out paleomagnetism studies....
NewsArtificial Pyramid Stone: new analysis14 Jul 2011A new scientific analysis demonstrates the artificial nature of Egyptian Pyramid stone. The article titled: "Were the...
PyramidsArtificial Pyramid Stone: new analysis14 Jul 2011A new scientific analysis demonstrates the artificial nature of Egyptian Pyramid stone. The article titled: "Were the...
CivilizationColosses of Memnon, masterpiece by Amenophis Son of Hapu18 Sep 2009In Egypt, the return of agglomerated (geopolymer) stone 1300 years after the Great Pyramids, under Amenhotep III and...
Tutorial / bookBook: Why the pharaohs built the Pyramids with fake stones12 May 2008By Joseph Davidovits 30 years after the best seller book: The Pyramids: an enigma solved, after 30 years of new...
PyramidsBook: Why the pharaohs built the Pyramids with fake stonesEditor12 May 2008By Joseph Davidovits 30 years after the best seller book: The Pyramids: an enigma solved, after 30 years of new...
NewsMIT supports Davidovits’ Pyramid theory23 Apr 2008The famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA, is supporting Prof. Davidovits' re-agglomerated stone...
NewsNATURE report on pyramid limestone concrete15 Dec 2006The scientific magazine NATURE, vol. 444, 793 (14 december 2006) writes in his News about the recent analysis on...
NewsCutting-Edge analysis proves Davidovits’ Pyramid theory1 Dec 2006On November 30, the Journal of the American Ceramic Society has released a very important scientific research carried...
PyramidsAre Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? (1)Editor10 Apr 2006Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Buy your book at Why the pharaohs built the Pyramids with fake stones Pyramids (1)...
PyramidsPyramids (2) The evidencesEditor10 Apr 2006Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The...
PyramidsPyramids (3) The formula, the invention of stoneEditor10 Apr 2006Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The...
PyramidsPyramids (4) Videos and bookEditor9 Apr 2006Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The...
PyramidsThe Famine Stele: hieroglyphs on pyramids construction9 Apr 2006Summary of the Conference by Joseph Davidovits Vth International Congress of Egyptology, Cairo, Egypt, Oct....
CivilizationMaking Cements with Plant Extracts8 Apr 2006Fabrication of stone objects, by geopolymeric synthesis, in the pre-incan Huanka civilization (Peru) Joseph...
CivilizationPapers dedicated to archaeology in Geopolymer Proceedings8 Apr 2006Brief summary of the papers dedicated to archaeology and published in the Geopolymer Proceedings : Geopolymer 2005 and...
ArchaeologyThe geopolymer chemistry was known during antiquity8 Apr 2006Joseph Davidovits has found revolutionary ways of producing cements with plants saps, which could explain some of the...
Archaeological papers#G: Construction des pyramides d’après Hérodote4 Apr 2006IXth Egyptology Congress, Grenoble, 2004 Construction des pyramides d’après Hérodote: Etude lexicologique des...
Archaeological papers#C: Making Cements with Plant Extracts4 Apr 2006Fabrication of stone objects, by geopolymeric synthesis, in the pre-incan Huanka civilization (Peru) Joseph...
Archaeological papers#B: Famine Stele and the construction of Pyramids with man-made stone4 Apr 2006Vth Egyptology Congress, Cairo, 1988 The Famine Stele and the construction of Pyramids with man-made stone by Joseph...
Archaeological papers#A: X-Ray analysis of Pyramids’ casing stones and their limestone quarries4 Apr 2006by Joseph Davidovits published in Science in Egyptology, Proceedings of the Science in Egyptology Symposia,...
LibraryPapers discussing Davidovits pyramid theory30 Mar 2006Microstructural Evidence of Reconstituted Limestone Blocks in the Great Pyramids of Egypt, Barsoum, M. W.,...
News2nd International Conference on Chemistry & its Applications18 Jun 2003Professor Joseph Davidovits has been appointed in the Honorary Scientific Committee of this conference, which will be...